Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 2012

We are earnestly preparing for the upcoming year on CODA.  Made a very challenging trip to Florida to scout destinations for next winter.  This was very tough work in 80 degrees and clear skies.  But we persevered and were rewarded with good information not mention a tan, great food and beaches.  We were staying at the condo owned by friends on Jensen Beach.  Great little town and area.  Don't miss Kona Cafe, Riverwalk, Mulligans, just to name a couple.  Ft Pierce is also a great boaters town and we intend to stay in both places next winter.

CODA went in the barn last week here on Aquidneck Island.  Work includes replacing the electric stove with gas and re wiring most of the main source circuits on the boat.  This will give us a very good AC/DC capacity for our fridges and freezer.  The bottom will be soda blasted and painted with a new Interlux product that has no copper.  New windscreen has been custom molded and will be installed in the spring.  The CANVASLADY in E. Greenwich is replacing our three front panels on the bridge with Strataglass.  The project to convert the port cabin to a "library" will begin later in May.  Tomorrow we go to the Boston boatshow with Dick and Maggie to look at dinghy deals...ours is way overdue for replacement.  The helm door must be replaced and so a new one is being built.  Some minor fiberglass and paint work will be done on the decks and topsides, but short of repainting the boat we will just have to live with the less than great appearance of the bridge and topsides.

To pay for all this we are renting our Newport home next summer.  Bookings activity is very good, but the work to prepare the house may kill us both.  This will help justify those who feel we are crazy.

We will be back in the water in early June.  We plan to use most of the month to move aboard while in a slip at Brewer's Sakonnet which, as always, is managed by Dave Rodriques and his killer staff (you guys rock).  Then off to Maine, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

So, there, Kathy, now we are updated.

1 comment:

  1. First off, it's about time!Secondly, you are not crazy, boating is such an adventure and thirdly thanks Milly for lighting the fire.
    Life is good and boating is fun! Especially in Key West!

    Kathy, Garth & Zeke
